

All life is striving and struggling when you think of yourself as a separate little “me”. Yet you’ve never questioned this fundamental assumption. You are so chained to this identity that you have never even let in a little crack of light that would allow you to glimpse a radically different view.

You take everything personally. Every insult, criticism, judgment is directed at you, you poor thing. You are just a little wave doing your best to negotiate this choppy sea of life, clinging desperately to your share of the ocean, competing with the other waves, trying to survive the shit-storm. 

This ‘person’ you’ve created is a figment of your imagination. It is a persona, a mask hiding the truth of who and what you really are. Your mind is ultra-powerful and has spent its whole life reinforcing the image of separation. You now take this ego invention to be your true Self.

The great teaching of all the saints and sages and ascended Masters of all time is that this is NOT you. You are Oneness, totality, eternity and all of the other qualities with which you were endowed as an extension of God’s Love. You have simply blinded yourself to the realisation of this.

When you wake up in Oneness, you see that there IS NO individual ‘self’, only an infinite play of hide and seek. Hide your awareness of God and then seek it. To find God is to waken up to the realisation that you are none other eternal Life itself.