Red hot offers…

For a limited time, I invite you to pick a relation problem you have and get top-class coaching on it.

You are being offered a completely free 45 minute coaching session so that you get a taste of how Integral coaching can turn your life around.

Here are the hot topics on offer and you will leave the session energized and motivated to:

  • Find the Man or Woman of your Dreams

  • Learn to Trust (Again)

  • Attract the Right Partner (Instead of the Same One with Different Faces)

  • Know What Love Is

  • Communicate so that He or She HEARS you

  • Take Your Relationship to the Next Level of Intimacy

  • Face any Stage of Relationship Breakdown with Clarity and Courage


You will be amazed at how you can see the possibility for transforming your problem in one session. That’s because Integral coaching focuses on results, such as:

Getting crystal clear about what you really want. This happens as we deepen the learning and forward the action.

Deepening the learning means you getting to know your real self.

Together we uncover the hidden challenges that might be sabotaging your attempts to get what you want in any relationship, including the one with yourself.

Forwarding the action is about drawing up an action plan based on your heart-felt values and what you want to achieve in your relationships. The plan will be so exciting it will make you hungry to achieve it. And with the unconditional love and support of your coach, you can!